Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Ethics Of Increasing The Cost Of Tuition Essay

The Ethics of Increasing the Cost of Tuition As the cost of college rises to an astronomical amount, many American’s find themselves faced with inequality once again. Inflation associated with the cost of higher education is now bordering on the ethical question, is a college education, a right or a privilege? With the ever increasing wage gap in America, the middle class and lower class find themselves struggling to gain a college degree. This pondering thought led me to my research question: is it ethical to continually raise the cost of tuition? By researching this topic, I set out to learn the reasoning behind constantly increasing the cost of tuition and if the nation as a whole should have the opportunity to attend college, regardless of income level. My research question is important because it will inform future college students how their tuition money is being spent, why the cost of education is continually rising and if there is anything they can do to counterac t the cost of college. I found my first source by using Academic Search Premier, a database which is accessed through the Colorado State University Libraries, and searched for High College Cost. This 2011 opinionated article written by Mary Kate Cary, titled The Real Culprit Behind High College Cost provides a reason why the cost of tuition is rising and how the government is partially to blame. The article discusses how the federal government is now the leading lender in student loans, due toShow MoreRelatedIs Post Secondary School Worth It?1405 Words   |  6 Pagesit is being beat by the rapidly increasing tuition costs. Everyday people make the decision whether it is worth paying for high college tuition when job wages are decreasing. 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